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Exclusive edition of Snuffle for Poodles Italy is made, entirely by hand, with discs of fabric in recyclable synthetic fibers, which folded on themselves, create numerous slits in which to insert tasty treats.


Snuffle is a game in which it is possible to vary the difficulty by inserting prizes of different sizes and changing their position: if left on the surface the game will be easier and vice versa. Snuffle is also perfect for introducing dogs to the games of mental activation ed to olfactory research activities. It proves to be suitable for all subjects, including puppies and fearful dogs, since it has no noisy parts and because interaction with a material such as fabric is generally less worrying.


if the product is not available for immediate delivery from the moment of the order you will have to wait approximately 10-15 days workers to receive the product. These timings could vary in relation to the type or quantity of orders that we have to carry out at that time (any change in timing will be communicated to you during the order confirmation phase).

    PriceFrom €17.00
    Out of Stock
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